

2017 – PhD, History, University of Georgia

·      Dissertation: “Root Diggers and Herb Gatherers:  The Rise and Fall of the Botanical Drug Industry in Southern Appalachia.” 

·      Areas of expertise: environmental history, agricultural history, Appalachian South, New South, African history.

·      Committee members: John Inscoe (advisor), Shame Hamilton, Timothy Cleaveland, and Kathryn Newfont (University of Kentucky).

2012 – M.A., History, Western Carolina University

·      M.A. in American History. 4.0 GPA.

·      Master’s Thesis: “Hugh MacRae and the Idea of Farm City: Race, Class, and Conservation in the New South, 1905-1934.”  Advisor: Dr. Richard Starnes.

2003 – B.S., History, Technology, and Society, Georgia Institute of Technology